Whilst we normally use iGone as a body fallout remover, it works equally well on your wheels. Clean them first with Eau Rouge to remove the dirt and oils, then spray a liberal coating of iGone and watch the theatre evolve in front of you (make sure they’re cold). It turns a deep red as it dissolves the deposits like a wicked witches brew. Give it a bit of agitation with a brush to help it a long a bit, remember, just because it needs help, it isn’t weak, it’s better when you’re working on a customers car to use caution rather than go at it ‘guns a blazing’, this is why we keep our customers, care…
Do not use on bare alloy wheels, I’ve not tested it there so don’t know what will happen, it’s fine on other surfaces though and our involvement with a local MG club means we clean a lot of chrome spoke wheel with no problems.
Why not post your pictures of your wheels bleeding for us to see…
Mind the smell and keep away from children