Cowhide leather conditioner cream is the perfect option once you’ve pondered over the options chart on your new car or you’ve decided that you want leather in your new or second hand car. It’s the best material in our opinion for an interior, it’s the most durable and forgiving, the right colours don’t show stains and care is pretty easy. Having said that leather goes through a pretty tough life in your car, bums, heating, spills, baby wipes, sunshine and many others things constantly attack it so it’s no surprise that it dries and cracks as it gets older. If you’ve cleaned it with a proper cleaner like our Mardy Cow, or just like to look after it, now is the ideal time to apply a bit of extra love to keep it looking its best. Cowhide will nourish and protect,

therefore keeping it softer longer.
Here’s the best way to use Cowhide Leather Cream: Grab a clean microfibre pad and apply a 10p size dollop, fold Cowhide into the pad, (like you used to do those ‘mirror prints’ at primary school), and work into a section at a time, work it in well and then re apply and move to another section. Once the whole seat has been treated, buff it off with a clean microfibre cloth. Step back and feel good that that’s job done for another 3 months…
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